Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. Please feel free to explore to learn more about who we are, what we do and why we do it.
Dungannon Independent Methodist Church is located in Moygashel, next to Dungannon and the M1 motorway. We are a family-focused, evangelical Christian fellowship, seeking to show God’s love and impact the community around us.
The Church is part of the ‘Fellowship of Independent Methodist Churches’ in Northern Ireland and was established in 1973. Those who attend the church come from all walks of life and many can testify to how knowing God personally has made a positive difference in their lives.
The church exists to be a witness of how God can change lives; to show how knowing God and being forgiven of your sins by Him can give you peace and joy. We are a body of Christians who are here to help; we love the Lord and His Word, and seek to share this with those around us.
Feel free to come and visit us; everyone is welcome!
Pastor Samuel Patterson
The Word is God’s living revelation to His church. Here at Dungannon Independent Methodist Church one of our primary objectives contend for the authority and sufficiency of the written Word of God in this generation.
We believe that prayer is the work and that God answers the prayers of His people. Our passion is to use this might weapon that God has given to His church, both in praise and to plead for an outpouring of His Spirit on the surrounding districts.
The family unit is the Church. Our various ministry programs seek to equip families to be rooted in the Word of God in order to nourish family life. We believe that if the family unit is strong, the church family will be strong also.
Brooks Family
Danny and Philippa Brooks have been missionaries with New Tribes Mission for almost twenty years. Danny is from California, USA, while Philippa was born and raised in Dungannon. She was saved and then called into missionary work through various ministries within the fellowship of Independent Methodist churches. Danny was saved as a young boy and also challenged into missionary work through his church. Danny and Philippa, along with their two children Isabela and Judah, spent 14 years involved in church planting ministries in the Philippines. They lived for 10 years in a remote village and had the joy of seeing a group of people come to know the Lord as their Saviour. In 2017, they moved into another unreached people group on a different island. However, shortly after, Danny was diagnosed with cancer and they had to return to the States for a long course of treatment. Danny and Philippa are currently at the Ethnos360 Training Center in Missouri, teaching, training and equipping the next generation of missionaries. They still hope to return to the Philippines, though count it a great privilege to love and serve the Lord wherever He places them. 1 Thessalonians 5:24 “Faithful is He who calleth you, who also will do it.”